मण्डल के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
अष्टक के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
  • ऋग्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • Anthology of Vedic Hymns - इंग्लिश

    This book is not intended for a casual, cursory reading. The holiday or leisure-hour reader of emotional and too often immoral fiction will find no thing in this volume to his taste. It is a religious book intended for the religious and devout seeker after God. It is a very serious work for very careful and serious study. One who seriously and attentively studies this volume will find one's way open into the Temple of Vedic Literature. The many grammatical and exegetical details, if the reader tries to under stand and utilise them properly, will enable him to handle the most abstruse and difficult questions in Vedic interpretation with full reliance and mastery. He who studies the notes will not need the help of the translation for he will himself be able to translate the Vedic verse concerned. Those who do not wish to read the notes may skip over them and read the translation itself which can be easily found out from the heading. The translation, it must be borne in mind, is not an ordinary translation. It is a combi nation of both literal translation and paraphrase. The chief purpose of translation is to convey to the mind of an enquerer in his own idiom or in easier style, the sense of a passage in his own or a different language which he cannot understand. Hence, to substitute mere dictionary equivalents for words unintelligible in themselves, cannot fulfil the purpose of translation. It is just for this reason that the translations of Vedic literature by European scholars and their Indian followers with which Vedic students the world over are provided, have failed to supply the wants of the times. More than a century has passed since Europe got herself introduced into the Temple of Vedic Lore, but even now after such patient and anxious waiting on the part of the world, her sons have the boldness to tell us that Vedic literature is nintelligible and that the Vedas contain nothing but "lies", "mad man's raving and children's prattle", with a little scattering here and there of some truth and fine poetry! There never was a more lamentable and unpardonable bungling done on this side of the grave than what they call Vedic research by European Scholars and their Indian followers. Are they really incapable to understand the Vedas, or are the Vedas unfit for human digestion? Bhartrhari answered the question for us: – कुत्स्याः स्यु: कुपरीक्षका न मणयो यैरर्धतः faar. It is not the fault of the jewel if it is under valued. The jewel is what it is. It is not its business to set down its own price. The Vedas are not Indian; they belong to the whole world. 

    इस भाष्य के आधार पर ऋचाओं का विवरण