यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 20/ मन्त्र 13
ऋषिः - प्रजापतिर्ऋषिः
देवता - अध्यापकोपदेशकौ देवते
छन्दः - अनुष्टुप्
स्वरः - गान्धारः
लोमा॑नि॒ प्रय॑ति॒र्मम॒ त्वङ् म॒ऽआन॑ति॒राग॑तिः। मा॒सं म॒ऽउप॑नति॒र्वस्वस्थि॑ म॒ज्जा म॒ऽआन॑तिः॥१३॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठलोमा॑नि। प्रय॑ति॒रिति॒ प्रऽय॑तिः। मम॑। त्वक्। मे॒। आन॑ति॒रि॒त्याऽन॑तिः। आग॑ति॒रित्याऽग॑तिः। मा॒सम्। मे॒। उप॑नति॒रित्युप॑ऽनतिः। वसु॑। अस्थि॑। म॒ज्जा। मे॒। आन॑ति॒रित्याऽन॑तिः ॥१३ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
लोमानि प्रयतिर्मम त्वङ्मऽआनतिरागतिः । माँसम्मऽउपनतिर्वस्वस्थि मज्जा मऽआनतिः ॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठ
लोमानि। प्रयतिरिति प्रऽयतिः। मम। त्वक्। मे। आनतिरित्याऽनतिः। आगतिरित्याऽगतिः। मासम्। मे। उपनतिरित्युपऽनतिः। वसु। अस्िथ। मज्जा। मे। आनतिरित्याऽनतिः॥१३॥
Meaning -
O teachers and preachers exert so that my hair be effort and attempt, my skin be reverence, my flesh be approach, wealth my inclination, my bone and marrow reverence.
Comparison is made between the parts of the body, and qualities of administration in a state The joint effort of all in a state is like hair. The power of subduing the enemy is like my skin. Just as skin protects me so the spirit of reverence protects a state.
Book Scanning By:
Sri Durga Prasad Agarwal
Typing By:
Conversion to Unicode/OCR By:
Dr. Naresh Kumar Dhiman (Chair Professor, MDS University, Ajmer)
Donation for Typing/OCR By:
First Proofing By:
Acharya Chandra Dutta Sharma
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Databasing By:
Sri Jitendra Bansal
Websiting By:
Sri Raj Kumar Arya
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Co-ordination By:
Sri Virendra Agarwal