यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 17/ मन्त्र 21
ऋषिः - भुवनपुत्रो विश्वकर्मा ऋषिः
देवता - विश्वकर्मा देवता
छन्दः - आर्षी त्रिष्टुप्
स्वरः - धैवतः
या ते॒ धामा॑नि पर॒माणि॒ याऽव॒मा या म॑ध्य॒मा वि॑श्वकर्मन्नु॒तेमा। शिक्षा॒ सखि॑भ्यो ह॒विषि॑ स्वधावः स्व॒यं य॑जस्व त॒न्वं वृधा॒नः॥२१॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठया। ते॒। धामा॑नि। प॒र॒माणि॑। या। अ॒व॒मा। या। म॒ध्य॒मा। वि॒श्व॒क॒र्म॒न्निति॑ विश्वऽकर्मन्। उ॒त। इ॒मा। शिक्ष॑। सखि॑भ्य॒ इति॒ सखि॑ऽभ्यः। ह॒विषि॑। स्व॒धा॒व॒ इति॑ स्वधाऽवः। स्व॒यम्। य॒ज॒स्व॒। त॒न्व᳖म्। वृ॒धा॒नः ॥२१ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
या ते धामानि परमाणि यावमा या मध्यमा विश्वकर्मन्नुतेमा । शिक्षा सखिभ्यो हविषि स्वधावः स्वयँयजस्व तन्वँवृधानः ॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठ
या। ते। धामानि। परमाणि। या। अवमा। या। मध्यमा। विश्वकर्मन्निति विश्वऽकर्मन्। उत। इमा। शिक्ष। सखिभ्य इति सखिऽभ्यः। हविषि। स्वधाव इति स्वधाऽवः। स्वयम्। यजस्व। तन्वम्। वृधानः॥२१॥
Translation -
O Universal Architect, O Lord of material prosperity, whichever your these highest, lowest and even the middlemost abodes are, may you grant these to our friends, who offer oblations. May you yourself perform the sacrifice for the growth of your body (i. e. , this universe). (1)
Notes -
Yā te dhāmāni paramāṇi avamā madhyamā uta imā, T, whatever your abodes (or stations), highest, lowest one, the middle ones, and these (which are visible to us). Śikṣā, शिक्ष, देहि, grant; give. Also, teach. Sakhibhyaḥ, to friends; friendly people. Friends of ours; or, friends of yours. Havisi, at the sacrifice. Or, in the form of an offering, i. e. as a gift. Svadhavaḥ,स्वधावान् , one who has got ample food. Also, one who has got inherent power. Also, protector of nature. Tanvam vṛrdhānaḥ, increasing or expanding your body, i. e. this universe. Svayam yajasva, may you perform the sacrifice yourself. Uvata suggests, 'What man on earth can perform sacrifice (which means giving) to you? Therefore, you yourself be gra cious to perform the same. '
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Sri Durga Prasad Agarwal
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