ऋग्वेद - मण्डल 6/ सूक्त 43/ मन्त्र 1
यस्य॒ त्यच्छम्ब॑रं॒ मदे॒ दिवो॑दासाय र॒न्धयः॑। अ॒यं स सोम॑ इन्द्र ते सु॒तः पिब॑ ॥१॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठयस्य॑ । त्यत् । शम्ब॑रम् । मदे॑ । दिवः॑ऽदासाय । र॒न्धयः॑ । अ॒यम् । सः । सोमः॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ते॒ । सु॒तः । पिब॑ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
यस्य त्यच्छम्बरं मदे दिवोदासाय रन्धयः। अयं स सोम इन्द्र ते सुतः पिब ॥१॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठयस्य। त्यत्। शम्बरम्। मदे। दिवःऽदासाय। रन्धयः। अयम्। सः। सोमः। इन्द्र। ते। सुतः। पिब ॥१॥
ऋग्वेद - मण्डल » 6; सूक्त » 43; मन्त्र » 1
अष्टक » 4; अध्याय » 7; वर्ग » 15; मन्त्र » 1
अष्टक » 4; अध्याय » 7; वर्ग » 15; मन्त्र » 1
Subject [विषय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - What should men do-is told.
Translation [अन्वय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - O Indra! conveyor of great wealth. Or prosperity, drink this Soma-juice which is increaser of intellect and strength and which has been pressed out for you. As the sun smites down cloud, for the sake of the giver of knowledge who gives delight, slay a wicked person, who troubles others. Destroy that man, who desires to do bad deeds.
Commentator's Notes [पदार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] -
Purport [भावार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] - O king and officers of the State! you should duly punish those wicked persons, who trouble the righteous men. Being yourself healthy and free from all diseases, you make all your subjects healthy.
Translator's Notes -
It is wrong on the part of shri Sayanacharya, Prof. Wilson and Griffith to take Shambara as the name of a particular demon and Divodasa, the name of a particular king, as it is against the principle of the Vedic Terminology enunciated by Sayanancharya himself in his Introduction to the Commentary on the Rigveda and opposed to the Vedic Lexicon Nighantu which clearly tells that Shambara means cloud शम्बर इति मेधनाम (NG 1, 10) This self contradiction makes Sayanacharya's Commentary on the Vedas unreliable. Western Scholars have generally followed him and committed the same blunder.
Foot Notes - (शम्बरम्) मेघमिव । शम्बर इति मेघनाम (NG 1, 10)। = Like the cloud. (दिवीदासाय) विज्ञानप्रदाय । दिदुधातोगंत्यर्थमादाम तस्यत्निष्वर्थेषु ज्ञानार्थ ग्रहणमत दासु-दाने (भ्वा०)। = For the giver of knowledge. (रन्धयः) हिंसय । रध-हिंसासंराध्यो (दिवा.) अत्रहिंसाशंक:। = Destroy, slay.
इस भाष्य को एडिट करें