ऋग्वेद मण्डल - 1 के सूक्त 51 के मन्त्र
मण्डल के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
अष्टक के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
  • ऋग्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • ऋग्वेद - मण्डल 1/ सूक्त 51/ मन्त्र 8
    ऋषिः - सव्य आङ्गिरसः देवता - इन्द्र: छन्दः - विराड्जगती स्वरः - निषादः

    वि जा॑नी॒ह्यार्या॒न्ये च॒ दस्य॑वो ब॒र्हिष्म॑ते रन्धया॒ शास॑दव्र॒तान्। शाकी॑ भव॒ यज॑मानस्य चोदि॒ता विश्वेत्ता ते॑ सध॒मादे॑षु चाकन ॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    वि । जा॒नी॒हि॒ । आर्या॑न् । ये । च॒ । दस्य॑वः । ब॒र्हिष्म॑ते । र॒न्ध॒य॒ । शास॑त् । अ॒व्र॒तान् । शाकी॑ । भ॒व॒ । यज॑मानस्य । चो॒दि॒ता । विश्वा॑ । इत् । ता । ते॒ । स॒ध॒ऽमादे॑षु । चा॒क॒न॒ ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    वि जानीह्यार्यान्ये च दस्यवो बर्हिष्मते रन्धया शासदव्रतान्। शाकी भव यजमानस्य चोदिता विश्वेत्ता ते सधमादेषु चाकन ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    वि। जानीहि। आर्यान्। ये। च। दस्यवः। बर्हिष्मते। रन्धय। शासत्। अव्रतान्। शाकी। भव। यजमानस्य। चोदिता। विश्वा। इत्। ता। ते। सधऽमादेषु। चाकन ॥

    ऋग्वेद - मण्डल » 1; सूक्त » 51; मन्त्र » 8
    अष्टक » 1; अध्याय » 4; वर्ग » 10; मन्त्र » 3

    Purport -

    Knower of all beings and things aptly and justly O God! You know the Aryan, who are endowed with good education, righteousness, excellent nature and conduct. Kindly exterminate all those from their very root, who are atheists, decoits, thieves, treacherous, foolish, sensualist, who indulge in violence, who are obstructers of good deeds, who are selfish, and who have their own axe to grind, who are opponents of Vedic learning, the Anāryās the demons, who are destroyers of yajña the good works of public interest. O God! Also punish them who do not abide by the rules of Dharma i.e. right conduct, who are characterless, who violate the Vedic path, who do not perform the duties or vows of celebates, house-holders, Vānaprastha [preparing for renunciation], and monks, so that being punished they may become cultured or they may be put to an end or they may be under our control. O Lord! You confer great powers upon human souls and impel your devotees to do great and good deeds. You prevent us from doing evil deeds and going astray. I also living in good places-in good company, intend to perform good deeds, strictly in accordance with your directions. Kindly fulfil my cherished desire.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें