यजुर्वेद अध्याय - 17

मन्त्र चुनें

  • यजुर्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 17/ मन्त्र 18
    ऋषिः - भुवनपुत्रो विश्वकर्मा ऋषिः देवता - विश्वकर्मा देवता छन्दः - भुरिगार्षी पङ्क्तिः स्वरः - पञ्चमः

    किस्वि॑दासीदधि॒ष्ठान॑मा॒रम्भ॑णं कत॒मत् स्वि॑त् क॒थासी॑त्। यतो॒ भूमिं॑ ज॒नय॑न् वि॒श्वक॑र्मा॒ वि द्यामौर्णोन्महि॒ना वि॒श्वच॑क्षाः॥१८॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    किम्। स्वि॒त्। आ॒सी॒त्। अ॒धि॒ष्ठान॑म्। अ॒धि॒स्थान॒मित्य॑धि॒ऽस्थान॑म्। आ॒रम्भ॑ण॒मित्या॒ऽरम्भ॑णम्। क॒त॒मत्। स्वि॒त्। क॒था। आ॒सी॒त्। यतः॑। भूमि॑म्। ज॒नय॑न्। वि॒श्वक॒र्मेति॑ वि॒श्वऽक॑र्मा। वि। द्याम्। और्णो॑त्। म॒हि॒ना। वि॒श्वच॑क्षा॒ इति॑ वि॒श्वऽच॑क्षाः ॥१८ ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    किँ स्विदासीदधिष्ठानमारम्भणङ्कतमत्स्वित्कथासीत् । यतो भूमिञ्जनयन्विश्वकर्मा वि द्याऔर्णान्महिना विश्वचक्षाः ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    किम्। स्वित्। आसीत्। अधिष्ठानम्। अधिस्थानमित्यधिऽस्थानम्। आरम्भणमित्याऽरम्भणम्। कतमत्। स्वित्। कथा। आसीत्। यतः। भूमिम्। जनयन्। विश्वकर्मेति विश्वऽकर्मा। वि। द्याम्। और्णोत्। महिना। विश्वचक्षा इति विश्वऽचक्षाः॥१८॥

    यजुर्वेद - अध्याय » 17; मन्त्र » 18

    Purport -

    Knowledge by question and answer

    Question-What is the basis-support of the universe? What is its cause and who is its Creater. In what manner He is the cause and Creater of the world? What is the base of God, who Creates the world? What is the primitive cause with which the world is made and what is the efficient cause of God who has created this world? Barl TTO T

    Answer-He who has accomplished-created this world that Almighty God-the Greatest Architect has fashioned it out of His own infinite Omnipotence. He Himself is the support, efficient or instrumental cause of its making. He has created this universe including the bodies of the living beings with His own infinite power in proper manner. After creating this world from earth to heaven, He has pervaded it by His own glory. the support of God is He Himself, none else. He creates, protects 156.15 and supports all. He is all bliss by nature.

    What sort [kind] of God is? He is the seer-looks after the whole world. Ignoring Him he who takes 'refuge under anyone else, shall undoubtedly plung into the ocean of miseries and sufferings. 

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें