ऋग्वेद मण्डल - 3 के सूक्त 17 के मन्त्र
मण्डल के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
अष्टक के आधार पर मन्त्र चुनें
  • ऋग्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • ऋग्वेद - मण्डल 3/ सूक्त 17/ मन्त्र 3
    ऋषिः - कतो वैश्वामित्रः देवता - अग्निः छन्दः - निचृत्पङ्क्ति स्वरः - पञ्चमः

    त्रीण्यायूं॑षि॒ तव॑ जातवेदस्ति॒स्र आ॒जानी॑रु॒षस॑स्ते अग्ने। ताभि॑र्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ यक्षि वि॒द्वानथा॑ भव॒ यज॑मानाय॒ शं योः॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    त्रीणि॑ । आयूं॑षि । तव॑ । जा॒त॒ऽवे॒दः॒ । ति॒स्रः । आ॒ऽजानीः॑ । उ॒षसः॑ । ते॒ । अ॒ग्ने॒ । ताभिः॑ । दे॒वाना॑म् । अवः॑ । य॒क्षि॒ । वि॒द्वान् । अथ॑ । भ॒व॒ । यज॑मानाय । शम् । योः ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    त्रीण्यायूंषि तव जातवेदस्तिस्र आजानीरुषसस्ते अग्ने। ताभिर्देवानामवो यक्षि विद्वानथा भव यजमानाय शं योः॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    त्रीणि। आयूंषि। तव। जातऽवेदः। तिस्रः। आऽजानीः। उषसः। ते। अग्ने। ताभिः। देवानाम्। अवः। यक्षि। विद्वान्। अथ। भव। यजमानाय। शम्। योः॥

    ऋग्वेद - मण्डल » 3; सूक्त » 17; मन्त्र » 3
    अष्टक » 3; अध्याय » 1; वर्ग » 17; मन्त्र » 3

    Translation [अन्वय - स्वामी दयानन्द] -

    O wealthy learned leader ! shining like the fire. be the protector of the divine virtues and the enlightened persons. You bestow happiness to all. As the fire kindled by you gives happiness to the unifier, in the same manner, let your three spans of life which give physical, mental and spiritual happiness (like the three dawns which are known to all by giving light) bestow joy and mitigate misery.

    Commentator's Notes [पदार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] -


    Purport [भावार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] -

    If a man desires to multiply the span of life by the observance of the Brahmacharya for a long period, and under a proper and regulated daily life, then he can live up to the age of three hundred years. This is what all should know.

    Foot Notes -

    (त्रीणि ) विविधानि शरीरात्ममनः सुखकराणि = Three spans of life giving physical, spiritual and mental happiness. By three spans of life are meant 300 years. The average of an ordinary person according to the Vedic concept is 100 years. जीवेम शरदः शतम् ( यजु० 36, 24 ) । शतायुर्वेपुरुषः । (यजमानाय ) सङ्गन्त्रे।= Unifier. (आजानीः) समन्तात्प्रसिद्धाः। = Well known. The three dawns (Ushasah) referred to in the mantra are not clear. Two of them are quite well-known, the dawn in the morning before the sun-rise and the dawn commencing after the sun-set before the advent of night. By the third, may be taken the spiritual dawn of illumination hinted at in the Yoga Sutras as विशोका वा ज्योतिष्मती, (Yoga Darshan 1, 36 ) which is realized by concentrating one's mind on the heart Centre where the soul and God both reside.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें