ऋग्वेद - मण्डल 3/ सूक्त 21/ मन्त्र 1
इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञम॒मृते॑षु धेही॒मा ह॒व्या जा॑तवेदो जुषस्व। स्तो॒काना॑मग्ने॒ मेद॑सो घृ॒तस्य॒ होतः॒ प्राशा॑न प्रथ॒मो नि॒षद्य॑॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठइ॒मम् । नः॒ । य॒ज्ञम् । अ॒मृते॑षु । धे॒हि॒ । ई॒मा । ह॒व्या । जा॒त॒ऽवे॒दः॒ । जु॒ष॒स्व॒ । स्तो॒काना॑म् । अ॒ग्ने॒ । मेद॑सः । घृ॒तस्य॑ । होत॒रिति॑ । प्र । अ॒शा॒न॒ । प्र॒थ॒मः । नि॒ऽसद्य॑ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
इमं नो यज्ञममृतेषु धेहीमा हव्या जातवेदो जुषस्व। स्तोकानामग्ने मेदसो घृतस्य होतः प्राशान प्रथमो निषद्य॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठइमम्। नः। यज्ञम्। अमृतेषु। धेहि। इमा। हव्या। जातऽवेदः। जुषस्व। स्तोकानाम्। अग्ने। मेदसः। घृतस्य। होतरिति। प्र। अशान। प्रथमः। निऽसद्य॥
ऋग्वेद - मण्डल » 3; सूक्त » 21; मन्त्र » 1
अष्टक » 3; अध्याय » 1; वर्ग » 21; मन्त्र » 1
अष्टक » 3; अध्याय » 1; वर्ग » 21; मन्त्र » 1
Subject [विषय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - A man's duties are described.
Translation [अन्वय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - O enlightened person ! you are blessed with wisdom. You are giver of greasy substances ghee and other small articles. Place our Yajna (in the form of honor to "absolutely truthful and learned men, association with the righteous and donation to good virtuous etc.) among the regular items of life make it immortal or imperishable. Accept and apply these means for the attainment of four cardinal objects of human life-Dharma (righteousness) Artha (wealth) Kama (fulfilment of the noble desire) and Moksha (emancipation). Be seated comfortably here. You are the first and the foremost among the learned persons and partake of this food consisting of ghee and other nutritious substances.
Commentator's Notes [पदार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] -
Purport [भावार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] - As the giver of the articles of food and drink etc. becomes popular, in the same manner, the communication of knowledge, wisdom, good education, and Dharma becomes popular among the seekers after truth.
Foot Notes - (यज्ञम्) विद्वत्सत्कारात्सङ्गशुभगुणदानाख्यम् । = Yajna in the form of the honor shown to the enlightened persons, association of the righteous persons and gift of articles etc. to good virtuous. (हव्या) होतुं धर्मार्थकाममोक्षान्साधयतुमर्हाणि साधनानि । The means for the accomplishment of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. (मेदसः ) स्निग्धस्य। = Of the greasy.
इस भाष्य को एडिट करें