यजुर्वेद अध्याय - 19

मन्त्र चुनें

  • यजुर्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 19/ मन्त्र 9
    ऋषिः - आभूतिर्ऋषिः देवता - सोमो देवता छन्दः - निचृच्छक्वरी स्वरः - धैवतः

    तेजो॑ऽसि॒ तेजो॒ मयि॑ धेहि वी॒र्यमसि वी॒र्यं मयि॑ धेहि॒ बल॑मसि॒ बलं॒ मयि॑ धे॒ह्योजो॒ऽस्योजो॒ मयि॑ धेहि म॒न्युर॑सि म॒न्युं मयि॑ धेहि॒ सहो॑ऽसि॒ सहो॒ मयि॑ धेहि॥९॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    तेजः॑। अ॒सि॒। तेजः॑। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒। वी॒र्य᳖म्। अ॒सि॒। वी॒र्य᳖म्। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒। बल॑म्। अ॒सि॒। बल॑म्। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒। ओजः॑। अ॒सि॒। ओजः॑। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒। म॒न्युः। अ॒सि॒। म॒न्युम्। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒। सहः॑। अ॒सि॒। सहः॑। मयि॑। धे॒हि॒ ॥९ ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    तेजोसि तेजो मयि धेहि । वीर्यमसि वीर्यम्मयि धेहि बलमसि बलम्मयि धेह्योजोस्योजो मयि धेहि मन्युरसि मन्युम्मयि धेहि सहोसि सहो मयि धेहि ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    तेजः। असि। तेजः। मयि। धेहि। वीर्यम्। असि। वीर्यम्। मयि। धेहि। बलम्। असि। बलम्। मयि। धेहि। ओजः। असि। ओजः। मयि। धेहि। मन्युः। असि। मन्युम्। मयि। धेहि। सहः। असि। सहः। मयि। धेहि॥९॥

    यजुर्वेद - अध्याय » 19; मन्त्र » 9

    Purport -

    O Self-Effulgent God! O Infinite Lustre ! You are free from darkness of ignorance, nay you are an embodiment of true knowledge and Absolute Lustre. By your merciful glance, infuse in me, the same lustre, so that I may not become spiritless, piteous and cowardly. O Infinite courageous God! You are vigorous by nature [embodiment of Vigour], make me also firm in that excellent vigour. Infinite prowess [strength] O God! Grant me excellent valour. Possessor of Infinite Might O God! You are an embodiment of might, infuse that might in me also. Full of wrath against the wicked O God! Your are warthful by nature. Bless me so that I may also express wrath on the wicked. Infinite Endurance O God! You are extremely tolerant by your nature, grant me also the power to endure everything in the world. The purport is that the attributes [virtues], lustre etc. of my body, sense-organs, mind and soul should never depart from me, so that I may put myself in your devotion firmly and by Your grace, I may always be happy and prosperous.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें