यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 32/ मन्त्र 10
ऋषिः - स्वयम्भु ब्रह्म ऋषिः
देवता - परमात्मा देवता
छन्दः - निचृत त्रिष्टुप्
स्वरः - धैवतः
स नो॒ बन्धु॑र्जनि॒ता स वि॑धा॒ता धामा॑नि वेद॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑।यत्र॑ दे॒वाऽ अ॒मृत॑मानशा॒नास्तृ॒तीये॒ धाम॑न्न॒ध्यैर॑यन्त॥१०॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठसः। नः॒। बन्धुः॑। ज॒नि॒ता। सः। वि॒धा॒तेति॑ विऽधा॒ता। धामा॑नि। वे॒द॒। भुव॑नानि। विश्वा॑ ॥ यत्र॑। दे॒वाः। अ॒मृत॑म्। आ॒न॒शा॒नाः। तृ॒तीये॑। धाम॑न्। अ॒ध्यैर॑य॒न्तेत्य॑धि॒ऽऐर॑यन्त ॥१० ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
स नो बन्धुर्जनिता स विधाता धामानि वेद भुवनानि विश्वा । यत्र देवाऽअमृतमानशानास्तृतीये धामन्नध्ऐरयन्त ॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठ
सः। नः। बन्धुः। जनिता। सः। विधातेति विऽधाता। धामानि। वेद। भुवनानि। विश्वा॥ यत्र। देवाः। अमृतम्। आनशानाः। तृतीये। धामन्। अध्यैरयन्तेत्यधिऽऐरयन्त॥१०॥
Purport -
The Almighty God is our 'Bandhu, destroyer of pains and miseries and our helper in need. He He is 'Janita' protector and sustainer 'Pita' not only of ours but also of the whole world. He is 'Vidhata'-The accomplisher of all our desires, deeds and enterprises. That supreme Soul alone is the Creator and supporter of the whole world, none else. Creating various regions He knows them fully well by his infinite Omniscience. What in fact is that Supreme Lord? He is that with the help of whom the learned and righteous men bear all the miseries, pains and sorrows after realising that Omnipresent God, attain final emancipation, which is free from bondage of births and deaths. There are three regions-firstly gross world [like earth], secondly, subtle [material sphere, intermediate region], thirdly, which is devoid from all blemishes, Infinite bliss the Supreme Soul. The righteous and learned people roam about freely in this Supreme soul at their own sweet will. Getting rid from all shackles, becoming learned and holy, without the influence of time, space and matter they dwell in God, who is Omnipresent and supporter of all. They never fall from that state into the ocean of miseries of death and birth [till the specific period of liberation].
इस भाष्य को एडिट करेंAcknowledgment
Book Scanning By:
Sri Durga Prasad Agarwal
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Dr. Naresh Kumar Dhiman (Chair Professor, MDS University, Ajmer)
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Acharya Chandra Dutta Sharma
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Sri Jitendra Bansal
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Sri Raj Kumar Arya
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Sri Virendra Agarwal