यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 32/ मन्त्र 16
ऋषिः - श्रीकाम ऋषिः
देवता - विद्वद्राजानौ देवते
छन्दः - अनुष्टुप्
स्वरः - गान्धारः
इ॒दं मे॒ ब्रह्म॑ च क्ष॒त्रं चो॒भे श्रिय॑मश्नुताम्।मयि॑ दे॒वा द॑धतु॒ श्रिय॒मुत्त॑मां॒ तस्यै॑ ते॒ स्वाहा॑॥१६॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठइ॒दम्। मे॒। ब्रह्म॑। च॒। क्ष॒त्रम्। च॒। उ॒भेऽइत्यु॒भे। श्रिय॑म्। अ॒श्नु॒ताम्। मयि॑। दे॒वाः। द॒ध॒तु॒। श्रिय॑म्। उत्त॑मा॒मित्युत्ऽत॑माम्। तस्यै॑। ते॒। स्वाहा॑ ॥१६ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
इदम्मे ब्रह्म च क्षत्रञ्चोभे श्रियमश्नुताम् । मयि देवा दधतु श्रियमुत्तमान्तस्यै ते स्वाहा ॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठ
इदम्। मे। ब्रह्म। च। क्षत्रम्। च। उभेऽइत्युभे। श्रियम्। अश्नुताम्। मयि। देवाः। दधतु। श्रियम्। उत्तमामित्युत्ऽतमाम्। तस्यै। ते। स्वाहा॥१६॥
Purport -
O the Possessor of Supreme wisdom I The King of kings I The Ruler of the Universe ! By Your Infinite Grace may our intellectual scholars be most wise; dispenser of justice, valorous king and militants-both of them be in complete harmony, so that they may acquire supreme sovereignity where excellent knowledge and education should pervail. O wisemen! Bestow upon me divine qualities of God-mercy, wealth and prosperity combined with knowledge which should be firm and stable in my life. I should accept that wealth and riches for the propagation of good virtues like education or for the benefit of the world at large and for the administration of my country.
Here ends the second part of Aryabhivinaya written by Swami Dayānanda Saraswati the diciple of the Paramhansa, the great ascetic and the most learned Śri Swami Virjānanda Saraswati.
इस भाष्य को एडिट करेंAcknowledgment
Book Scanning By:
Sri Durga Prasad Agarwal
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Dr. Naresh Kumar Dhiman (Chair Professor, MDS University, Ajmer)
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Acharya Chandra Dutta Sharma
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Sri Jitendra Bansal
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Sri Raj Kumar Arya
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Sri Virendra Agarwal