यजुर्वेद अध्याय - 34

मन्त्र चुनें

  • यजुर्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 34/ मन्त्र 36
    ऋषिः - वसिष्ठ ऋषिः देवता - भगवान् देवता छन्दः - निचृत्त्रिष्टुप् स्वरः - धैवतः

    भग॒ प्रणे॑त॒र्भग॒ सत्य॑राधो॒ भगे॒मां धिय॒मुद॑वा॒ दद॑न्नः।भग॒ प्र नो॑ जनय॒ गोभि॒रश्वै॒र्भग॒ प्र नृभि॑र्नृ॒वन्तः॑ स्याम॥३६॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    भग॑। प्रणे॑तः। प्रने॑तरिति॑ प्रऽने॑तः। भग॑। सत्य॑राध॒ इति॒ सत्य॑ऽराधः। भग॑। इ॒माम्। धिय॑म्। उत्। अ॒व॒। दद॑त्। नः॒ ॥ भग॑। प्र। नः॒। ज॒न॒य॒। गोभिः॑। अश्वैः॑। भग॑। प्र। नृभि॒रिति॒ नृऽभिः॑। नृ॒वन्त॒ इति॑ नृ॒ऽवन्तः॑। स्या॒म॒ ॥३६ ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    भग प्रणेतर्भग सत्यराधो भगेमान्धियमुदवा ददन्नः । भग प्र णो जनय गोभिरश्वैर्भग प्र नृभिर्नृवन्तः स्याम ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    भग। प्रणेतः। प्रनेतरिति प्रऽनेतः। भग। सत्यराध इति सत्यऽराधः। भग। इमाम्। धियम्। उत्। अव। ददत्। नः॥ भग। प्र। नः। जनय। गोभिः। अश्वैः। भग। प्र। नृभिरिति नृऽभिः। नृवन्त इति नृऽवन्तः। स्याम॥३६॥

    यजुर्वेद - अध्याय » 34; मन्त्र » 36

    Purport -

    O God Almighty! O Possessor of all kinds of wealth! You are bestower of riches of both the spheres-mundane and spiritual. All the riches and wealth is under your control and of none else. You can bestow wealth and riches to whom you like. Therefore, by Your kindness destroy our poverty and make us very prosperous and wealthy, because you are the impeller to acquire wealth. Possessor of good fortune O God! You are the accomplisher of true wealth. He who desires to attain liberation, You alone are the Donor of that final Beatitude, none else, therefore, kindly grant us the Eternal wealth. O Possessor of true fortune! Bestow on us auspicious wealth and excellent intelligence, so that we may acquire the knowledge of your attributes and the ways to obey your commands correctly. Kindly endow us with true intelligence, right deeds and true virtues, so that we may be able to know the subtlest things in their true sense. O the Producer of all riches! Generate wealth and prosperity for us in plenty. Kindly bestow upon us excellent cows, horses, men and with these best riches-matchless wealth forever. O Omnipotent God! By your merciful offglance we may always have excellent men, women, springs and servants. In addtion to this, we pray to you that there may not be any wicked or foolish person among us. No such person should take birth in our families, so that our fame and glory should spread everywhere. There should be no defamation of us at all. Nobody should censure us.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें