यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 36/ मन्त्र 23
ऋषिः - दध्यङ्ङाथर्वण ऋषिः
देवता - सोमो देवता
छन्दः - निचृदनुष्टुप्
स्वरः - गान्धारः
सु॒मि॒त्रि॒या न॒ऽआप॒ऽओष॑धयः सन्तु दुर्मित्रि॒यास्तस्मै॑ सन्तु॒।योऽस्मान् द्वेष्टि॒ यं च॑ व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मः॥२३॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठसु॒मि॒त्रि॒या इति॑ सुऽमित्रि॒याः। नः॒। आपः॑। ओष॑धयः। स॒न्तु॒। दु॒र्मि॒त्रि॒या इति॑ दुःऽमित्रि॒याः। तस्मै॑। स॒न्तु॒ ॥ यः। अ॒स्मान्। द्वेष्टि॑। यम्। च॒। व॒यम्। द्वि॒ष्मः ॥२३ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
सुमित्रिया नऽआप ओषधयः सन्तु दुर्मित्रियास्तस्मै सन्तु योस्मान्द्वेष्टि यञ्च वयन्द्विष्मः ॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठ
सुमित्रिया इति सुऽमित्रियाः। नः। आपः। ओषधयः। सन्तु। दुर्मित्रिया इति दुःऽमित्रियाः। तस्मै। सन्तु॥ यः। अस्मान्। द्वेष्टि। यम्। च। वयम्। द्विष्मः॥२३॥
Purport -
Bestower of all kinds of happiness O God! By your grace 'Prana' vital energy in the body and natural vital force-the the air, water, learning, [education] medicinal herbs all these be conductive to our well-being and happiness. They should never be unfavourable to us. He who has enmity, hatred, ill-will, hostility towards us, and whom we also hate, O Dispenser of Justice! For them this vital energy etc. should be harmful. One who acts unrightly, for him all the objects of the world created by you should be the cause of misery. So that he may not harm us and we should always be happy.
इस भाष्य को एडिट करेंAcknowledgment
Book Scanning By:
Sri Durga Prasad Agarwal
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Conversion to Unicode/OCR By:
Dr. Naresh Kumar Dhiman (Chair Professor, MDS University, Ajmer)
Donation for Typing/OCR By:
First Proofing By:
Acharya Chandra Dutta Sharma
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Databasing By:
Sri Jitendra Bansal
Websiting By:
Sri Raj Kumar Arya
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Co-ordination By:
Sri Virendra Agarwal