यजुर्वेद अध्याय - 38

मन्त्र चुनें

  • यजुर्वेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • यजुर्वेद - अध्याय 38/ मन्त्र 14
    ऋषिः - दीर्घतमा ऋषिः देवता - द्यावापृथिवी देवते छन्दः - अतिशक्वरी स्वरः - पञ्चमः

    इ॒षे पि॑न्वस्वो॒र्जे पि॑न्वस्व॒ ब्रह्म॑णे पिन्वस्व क्ष॒त्राय॑ पिन्वस्व॒ द्यावा॑पृथिवी॒भ्यां॑ पिन्वस्व।धर्मा॑सि सु॒धर्मामे॑न्य॒स्मे नृ॒म्णानि॑ धारय॒ ब्र॒ह्म॑ धारय क्ष॒त्रं धा॑रय॒ विशं॑ धारय॥१४॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    इ॒षे। पि॒न्व॒स्व॒। ऊ॒र्जे। पि॒न्व॒स्व॒। ब्रह्म॑णे। पि॒न्व॒स्व॒। क्ष॒त्राय॑। पि॒न्व॒स्व॒। द्यावा॑पृथि॒वीभ्या॑म्। पि॒न्व॒स्व॒ ॥ धर्म॑। अ॒सि॒। सु॒धर्मेति॑ सु॒ऽधर्म॑। अमे॑नि। अ॒स्मेऽइत्य॒स्मे। नृ॒म्णानि॑। धा॒र॒य॒। ब्रह्म॑। धा॒र॒य॒। क्ष॒त्रम्। धा॒र॒य॒। विश॑म्। धा॒र॒य॒ ॥१४ ॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    इषे पिन्वस्वोर्जे पिन्वस्व ब्रह्मणे पिन्वस्व क्षत्राय पिन्वस्व द्यावापृथिवीभ्याम्पिन्वस्व । धर्मासि सुधर्मामेन्यस्मे नृम्णानि धारय ब्रह्म धारय क्षत्रन्धारय विशन्धारय ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    इषे। पिन्वस्व। ऊर्जे। पिन्वस्व। ब्रह्मणे। पिन्वस्व। क्षत्राय। पिन्वस्व। द्यावापृथिवीभ्याम्। पिन्वस्व॥ धर्म। असि। सुधर्मेति सुऽधर्म। अमेनि। अस्मेऽइत्यस्मे। नृम्णानि। धारय। ब्रह्म। धारय। क्षत्रम्। धारय। विशम्। धारय॥१४॥

    यजुर्वेद - अध्याय » 38; मन्त्र » 14

    Purport -

    Bestower of health and happiness O God ! Provide us excellent food for the nourishment of our bodies. Kindly save us from the diseases caused by indigestion. We should never suffer from lack of food. O the Possessor of great Might! Nourish us for mighty valour. O the revealer of the Vedas! For attaining true Vedic knowledge make us stout and strong with the power of intellect etc. O the King of the kings! The Supreme Spirit! For acquiring an unbroken, uniterrupted entirely sovereign imperial sway instil in us by Your grace valour, perseverance, political wisdom, modesty, prowess, and physical strength of excellent qualities. The king of another country should never rule over us and we should never be enslaved by foreigners. O the ruler of the heaven and the earth ! Make us able to acquire both the th the supreme bliss of final emancipation and worldly pleasures. O Exceedingly Virtuous ! You are performer of righteous acts, nay You are Absolute Righteous by Your very nature. By Your grace enable us also to be righteous. You are free from enmity, make us also free from ill-will, hatred. hatred. By Your grace, bestow upon us wisdom, diligence, horses, gold, jems like diamond, excellent kingdom, good men. Be kind so that we may love each other. Moreover we should never suffer due to lack of anything. O the Lord of all ! In our country the Brāhmaṇās [Intellectuals] should be posseessors of good virtues like complete learning. May our warriors and administrators should be endowed with wisdom-fore-sight knowledge and other virtues like valour etc. May our businessmen, industrialists and peasants be possessed of knowledge of various sciences and industry and also be equipped with wisdom, wealth and cereals. Our labourers should have the qualities of serving the country-men. All the aforesaid patriots should be excellent in virtues and be patriots. Bestow all these things on us, so that by your grace our might, power, wealth, greatness, divine qualities may ever continue prospering uninterrupted. 

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें