ऋग्वेद - मण्डल 5/ सूक्त 62/ मन्त्र 8
ऋषिः - श्रुतिविदात्रेयः
देवता - मित्रावरुणौ
छन्दः - निचृत्त्रिष्टुप्
स्वरः - धैवतः
हिर॑ण्यरूपमु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टा॒वयः॑स्थूण॒मुदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य। आ रो॑हथो वरुण मित्र॒ गर्त॒मत॑श्चक्षाथे॒ अदि॑तिं॒ दितिं॑ च ॥८॥
स्वर सहित पद पाठहिर॑ण्यऽरूपम् । उ॒षसः॑ । विऽउ॑ष्टौ । अयः॑ऽस्थूणम् । उत्ऽइ॑ता । सूर्य॑स्य । आ । रो॒ह॒थः॒ । व॒रु॒ण॒ । मि॒त्र॒ । गर्त॑म् । अतः॑ । च॒क्षा॒थे॒ इति॑ । अदि॑तिम् । दिति॑म् । च॒ ॥
स्वर रहित मन्त्र
हिरण्यरूपमुषसो व्युष्टावयःस्थूणमुदिता सूर्यस्य। आ रोहथो वरुण मित्र गर्तमतश्चक्षाथे अदितिं दितिं च ॥८॥
स्वर रहित पद पाठहिरण्यऽरूपम्। उषसः। विऽउष्टौ। अयःऽस्थूणम्। उत्ऽइता। सूर्यस्य। आ। रोहथः। वरुण। मित्र। गर्तम्। अतः। चक्षाथे इति। अदितिम्। दितिम्। च ॥८॥
ऋग्वेद - मण्डल » 5; सूक्त » 62; मन्त्र » 8
अष्टक » 4; अध्याय » 3; वर्ग » 31; मन्त्र » 3
अष्टक » 4; अध्याय » 3; वर्ग » 31; मन्त्र » 3
Subject [विषय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - The attributes of the Mitra and Varuna (king and his minister) are told further.
Translation [अन्वय - स्वामी दयानन्द] - O king and his minister ! you are like the Mitra and Varuna (Prana and Udana) at the rising of the sun, and the end of the dawn you mount on your splendid car which is like the golden pillar. Seated at your home, you tell people about eternal cause and the perishable world (which is its effect). Let us association with you.
Commentator's Notes [पदार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] -
Purport [भावार्थ - स्वामी दयानन्द] - As at the rising of the sun, darkness disappears and light sets in, in the same manner the kings and their ministers who are knowers of the cause and effect and Atma (God and soul) should illuminate firm justice being friendly to all..
Translator's Notes -
Eternal God as Efficient Cause of the Universe and Eternal matter-as material cause of the world. दिति: is this perishable world. It is noteworthy that differing from Sayanacharya who interprets अदिति as अखण्डनीया भूमिः or the Earth as an inviolable, whole and दिति as 'खण्डितां प्रजादिकाम् i.e. the divisible. people and living creatures inhabiting it, Griffith in his footnote on the mantra has expressed the view that the two words Aditi and Diti may perhaps mean eternal and the perishable, yonder boundless space and the bounded space near us." (Hymns of the Rigveda Vol. 1 Translated by Griffith p. 534). Though to a certain extent, it is a better interpretation than Sayanacharya's; it does not come to the standard of Maharshi Dayananda Sarasvati's philosophical interpretation which should be accepted by all lovers of truth. How strange it is for Sayanacharya to call the earth as inviolable? '
Foot Notes - (अय: स्थूणम् ) सुवर्णस्तम्भमिव । अय: इति हिरंष्यनाम (NG 1, 2)। = Like golden pillar. (वरुण) (मित्र) प्राणोदानाविव वर्त्तमानौ राजामात्यो । = The king and minister who are like Prana and Udana-two vital breaths. (अदितिम्) अविनाशिकारणम् । अदितिः = Imperishable cause. (दीतिम्) नाशवत्कार्य्यम्। = Perishable effect.
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