अथर्ववेद के काण्ड - 20 के सूक्त 94 के मन्त्र
मन्त्र चुनें
  • अथर्ववेद का मुख्य पृष्ठ
  • अथर्ववेद - काण्ड {"suktas":143,"mantras":958,"kand_no":20}/ सूक्त 94/ मन्त्र 11
    ऋषिः - कृष्णः देवता - इन्द्रः छन्दः - त्रिष्टुप् सूक्तम् - सूक्त-९४

    बृह॒स्पति॑र्नः॒ परि॑ पातु प॒श्चादु॒तोत्त॑रस्मा॒दध॑रादघा॒योः। इन्द्रः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑दु॒त म॑ध्य॒तो नः॒ सखा॒ सखि॑भ्यो॒ वरि॑वः कृणोतु ॥

    स्वर सहित पद पाठ

    बृह॒स्पति॑: । न॒: । परि॑ । पा॒तु॒ । प॒श्चात् । उ॒त । उत्ऽत॑रस्मात् । अध॑रात् । अ॒घ॒ऽयो: ॥ इन्द्र॑: । पु॒रस्ता॑त् । उ॒त । म॒ध्य॒त: । न॒: । सखा॑ । सख‍ि॑ऽभ्य: । वरि॑व: । कृ॒णो॒तु॒ ॥९४.११॥

    स्वर रहित मन्त्र

    बृहस्पतिर्नः परि पातु पश्चादुतोत्तरस्मादधरादघायोः। इन्द्रः पुरस्तादुत मध्यतो नः सखा सखिभ्यो वरिवः कृणोतु ॥

    स्वर रहित पद पाठ

    बृहस्पति: । न: । परि । पातु । पश्चात् । उत । उत्ऽतरस्मात् । अधरात् । अघऽयो: ॥ इन्द्र: । पुरस्तात् । उत । मध्यत: । न: । सखा । सख‍िऽभ्य: । वरिव: । कृणोतु ॥९४.११॥

    अथर्ववेद - काण्ड » 20; सूक्त » 94; मन्त्र » 11

    हिन्दी (3)


    राजा और प्रजा के कर्तव्य का उपदेश।


    (बृहस्पतिः) बृहस्पति [बड़े शूरों का रक्षक सेनापति] (नः) हमें (पश्चात्) पीछे से (उत्तरस्मात्) ऊपर से (उत) और (अधरात्) नीचे से (अघायोः) बुरा चीतनेवाले शत्रु से (परि पातु) सब प्रकार बचावे। (इन्द्रः) इन्द्र [बड़े ऐश्वर्यवाला राजा] (पुरस्तात्) आगे से (उत) और (मध्यतः) मध्य से (नः) हमारे लिये (वरिवः) सेवनीय धन (कृणोतु) करे, (सखा) [जैसे] मित्र (सखिभ्यः) मित्रों के लिये [करता है] ॥११॥


    मनुष्य वीरों में महावीर और प्रतापियों में महाप्रतापी होकर दुष्टों से प्रजा की सदा रक्षा करें ॥११॥


    १०, ११−मन्त्रौ व्याख्यातौ-अ० २०।१७।१०, ११ ॥

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    देखो व्याख्या २०.१७.१०-११ पर।


    प्रभु की उपासना करनेवाला [गणाति] और उल्लासमय जीवनवाला [माद्यति] 'गृत्समद' अगले सूक्त के प्रथम मन्त्र का ऋषि है। २-४ तक ऋषि 'सुदा:'-उत्तम दानशील पैजवन:-[अपिजवनः] खूब क्रियाशील व्यक्ति है -

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    देखो—मन्त्र-संख्या (२०.१७.११ तथा २०.८९.११)

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें

    इंग्लिश (4)


    Brhaspati Devata


    May Brhaspati protect and promote us all round from behind, from above and from below against sin and evil. May Indra, our friend and ruler, create and give wealth, honour and excellence for us and for the entire fraternity of the world from within at the centre of humanity and may he continue the same into the future. May Brhaspati protect and promote us all round from behind, from above and from below against sin and evil. May Indra, our friend and ruler, create and give wealth, honour and excellence for us and for the entire fraternity of the world from within at the centre of humanity and may he continue the same into the future.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    May Brihaspati, the Lord of vedic speeches protect us from behind, from above and from below region from wicked may mighty ruler guard us from front side and from the centre and may like friend to friends he vouchsafe accomodation and freedom.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    May Brihaspati, the Lord of vedic speeches protect us from behind, from above and from below region from wicked may mighty ruler guard us from front side and from the centre and may like friend to friends he vouchsafe accommodation and freedom.

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    In all the three worlds, i.e., heaven, atmosphere and the earth, the Almighty God, the Lord of Great Energy and Strength, infuses the energizing force, capable of both analysis and synthesis and maintains it with His All-pervading power, by which He keeps the creation under control. He exhilarates this great yogi of vast spiritual light to do great deeds of knowledge and piety. That brilliant, truthful and glorious devotee attains to This Radiant, Constant Lord of Fortunes and Adoration. Or Then the Refulgent God thoroughly overpowers the forces of evil and ignorance by His splendor and Energy, completely fills the heaven and the earth and fully reveals His superiority by its great strength and power. He keeps the one under His Control, while endows the other for the benefit of the people. That brilliant, truthful and glorious devotee attains to This Effulgent, Constant Lord of Bounties. Or The Mighty God becomes well-known by His Great sacrifice of knowledge and actions (i.e., revelation of the Vedas and the creation of the universe) altogether. He upholds the universe by His energy and strength at the same time. His Greatness is enhanced by the various powers of His, revealed at the same time. He crushes the violent and evil forces and supervises all the worlds. He is the Giver of Wealth and desirable riches to the praise-singers. That...... (Bounties) as above. [According to Anukramni the following two verses (Rig. 2.22. (2-3) are also included in, this suktas although they are not found in any ‘Samhita’, available at present.]

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें

    संस्कृत (1)


    कृपया अस्य मन्त्रस्यार्थम् आर्य(हिन्दी)भाष्ये पश्यत।


    १०, ११−मन्त्रौ व्याख्यातौ-अ० २०।१७।१०, ११ ॥

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें

    बंगाली (2)

    मन्त्र विषय



    (বৃহস্পতিঃ) বৃহস্পতি [বীরদের রক্ষক সেনাপতি] (নঃ) আমাদের (পশ্চাৎ) পেছন থেকে (উত্তরস্মাৎ) উপর থেকে (উত) এবং (অধরাৎ) নীচে থেকে (অঘায়োঃ) কুচিন্তনকারী শত্রু থেকে (পরি পাতু) সকল প্রকারে রক্ষা করুক। (ইন্দ্রঃ) ইন্দ্র [ঐশ্বর্যবান রাজা] (পুরস্তাৎ) সামনে থেকে (উত)(মধ্যতঃ) মধ্য থেকে (নঃ) আমাদের জন্য (বরিবঃ) সেবনীয় ধন (কৃণোতু) করুক, (সখা) [যেরকম] মিত্র/সখা (সখিভ্যঃ) মিত্রের জন্য [করে]।।১১।।


    মনুষ্য বীরদের মধ্যে মহাবীর এবং প্রতাপীদের মধ্যে মহাপ্রতাপী হয়ে দুষ্টদের থেকে প্রজাদের সদা রক্ষা করুক।।১১।।

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें


    দেখো—মন্ত্র-সংখ্যা (২০.১৭.১১ তথা ২০.৮৯.১১)

    इस भाष्य को एडिट करें